South Cove Tutoring
Expert academic support for Issaquah’s South Lake Sammamish neighborhoods
Over 12,000 hours of tutoring experience!
Content Tutoring
Math & Science
Language Arts & History
Spanish & French
Academic Coaching
Study Skills
Growth Mindset
Executive Function
Test Prep
AP Tests
For a detailed list of the services I provide, click here.
"I met with Chris Loper in middle school until I graduated high school, and he helped me enormously in many different ways. Chris helped me work through specific assignments and master certain units, but also taught me great and broadly applicable studying and time-management skills. I owe a lot of my success as a student to him, and couldn't recommend working with him enough."
-Gus Emmons

I'm here to help.
I work with students of all ages and abilities in the South Lake Sammamish area of Issaquah.
I’m passionate about helping students succeed in school and fall in love with learning, so they can go forth and share their gifts with the world.
Issaquah is my hometown, and South Cove is the neighborhood where I grew up, so I’m very grateful to be serving this community.
My Approach
I engage with students by meeting them where they are and guiding them as they move forward.
Everyone is capable of learning and improving. Kids are never broken, so I’m not in the business of “fixing” anyone. Instead, I want to help students grow.
True confidence comes from developing self-efficacy, which requires learning the skills and strategies that lead to success. I coach students to become resilient, resourceful, independent learners.
To learn more about me and my expertise, click here.

I’m currently accepting new students for in-person tutoring who live in the South Cove and the surrounding Issaquah and Bellevue neighborhoods between Vasa Park and Lake Sammamish State Park (Sammamish Beach Club, Meerwood, Greenwood Point, Sambica, etc.).
If you live outside my service area, we can discuss other options, such as meeting over Zoom.
Let's chat.
To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, please send me an email:
Chris Loper

Email is the best way to communicate with me about scheduling or to set up a time to talk over the phone.
Call or Text
Texting or calling is the best way to reach me for time-sensitive communication.
Mailing Address
4356 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE
Apt. 141
Issaquah, WA 98027
I live near Sunset Elementary, but I don't see students at my home. I come to you! (Or we can meet over Zoom.)